The Pitt Momentum Funds has been a large-scale research development fund that enhances and streamlines internal funding opportunities for faculty research and support high-quality research and creative endeavors. The fund has provided allocations for research projects based on field of study and scope of the project team.
View the Pitt Momentum Funds 2024 Awardees >>
Types of Grants
Awards have been made across the breadth of interdisciplinary scholarship at the University to contribute meaningful insight, understanding, or solutions to societal challenge.
Arts & Humanities Microgrants
- A&H Microgrants have been specific for faculty in the Arts and Humanities to support existing projects, works-in-progress, or test the feasibility of a larger grant idea. Through collaborative joint funding with the Mascaro Center for Sustainable Innovation, some Microgrant projects, focused on university-wide interdisciplinary sustainability programs, received additional funding.
Priming Grants
- Priming grants have supported significant and innovative scholarship by individual or groups of faculty at all ranks at the University of Pittsburgh, with a particular focus on early career faculty and areas where external funding is extremely limited.
Teaming Grants
- Teaming grants have supported the formation of new multi-disciplinary collaborations to successfully pursue large-scale external funding.
Scaling Grants
- Scaling grants have enabled multi-disciplinary teams to competitively scale their research efforts in targeted pursuit of large-scale external funding.
Pitt Momentum Funds Awardees Archive
The Pitt Momentum Funds provides internal funding for researchers at Pitt to work on interdisciplinary research projects of varying scope.
2023 Awardees
2022 Awardees
2021 Awardees
2020 Awardees